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Dear Parents,

            Welcome to sixth grade!  I am very excited to be your child’s Language Arts teacher this year. It is going to be a great year of learning and making new friends. I would like you to read through this letter to familiarize yourself with my classroom expectations. Please sign and return the slip at the end of the letter. Please keep the rest of this letter to refer to throughout the year.

A strong home-school line of communication is essential to academic success and I invite your questions and concerns at any time, feel free to contact via e-mail at or through the main office at 956-473-7300


MY Daily Schedule

1st Period     8:05   9:05                                  2nd Period  9:09  10:04

3rd Period   10:08  11:03                                    Lunch     11:03  11:33

4th Period   11:37  12:32                                 5th Period  12:36  1:31

6th Period    1:35   2:30                                  7th Period  2:34   3:30


 Absent/Late Work

            Students who are absent are responsible for getting the work they missed.  Absent work must be submitted in a timely manner. Please refer to the UISD Student Handbook for the Homework Policy.



Students who miss a test or quiz due to an absence must see me to reschedule test or quiz. Please refer to the UISD Student Handbook for the Assessment Policy.  Assessments will be administered on Friday’s.



Homework is an essential aspect of learning and will be assigned Monday thru Thursday. Your child should expect to spend between 15 and 30 minutes on each assignment.  If your child misses class (due to illness, doctor appt. etc.) he or she is responsible for making up the assigned homework, as well as any activities from class that day. Check my website daily to view which assignments need to be completed.



 Information, documents, links, my calendar, tutoring hours, and access to the textbook online can be found there. You can reach my web page by accessing the school website at



            Electronics of any kind are not permitted during the day.  If a cell phone is confiscated the parent must pay a fee  $15.00 to get the phone back.


On-line Access to Grades/attendance:

To view your child’s grades and attendance, go to the United Middle School webpage, click on parent resources then click on district resources, the Parent Portal Resource will appear.


Grading Scale as Per UISD Policy

Classwork /Homework = 50%                             Test/Quiz = 50%



I am available for after school tutorials three times a week, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:00 pm ,except when I have after school duty. All students will be provided with a homework pass. 


Classroom Rules

  • Be prompt, be prepared, and complete all assignments and homework on time.
  • Raise your hand before speaking & treat others and their property with respect.
  • Do not interfere with others’ learning.
  • Follow directions the first time they are given,


Rewards:                                                                     Consequences:

   Verbal praise                                                              Warning by teacher                                                      

    PBS Award                                                                                               Parent Call

    Positive note home                                                                           Parent Conference

    Great self-esteem for doing your best!                                             School Referral




 Two texts will be used for this course: Prentice Hall Writing Coach and STAAR Connection.  Additionally, we will use a variety of instructional resources to develop their writing skills.  It is essential that each student come prepared to class everyday with their classroom materials. 


Supplies (Bring to class daily):

Student must come prepare with their supplies on a daily basis.

They will need 2 composition notebooks, 2 plain folders, pen/pencils, colors, markers, glue, scissors, post-it notes, highlighters, correction tape, and 2 tissue boxes.


Remind 101

I will be using this website to remind students and parents of tests, due dates, etc. I will be sending further instructions on how to access and utilize Remind 101.



   Diana A. Cedillo

    6th grade Language Arts Teacher