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Mr. Levi Cremar

Science Department                                                    

(956) 473-7379

Science Syllabus


Class Description

            This class is designed to instruct, review, and enhance scientific

concepts.  The curriculum of this class is based on the state’s essential

knowledge and skills(TEKS), as well as our approved district curriculum

(scope and sequence).  The knowledge acquired during this class will serve you

as an essential springboard for your future science classes as well as the

upcoming state exam in 8th grade(STAAR). 


Scientific Processes and Concepts:

  1. Lab safety procedures
  2. Application of science tools/instruments
  3. Metric measurement (mass, length, volume, temperature)
  4. Collecting data, interpreting and creating graphs; lab reports
  5. Chemical and physical changes
  6. Atomic structure of matter (periodic table)
  7. Interactions between matter in energy
  8. Interactions between matter and energy
  9. Relationships between force and motion
  10. Relationships between organisms and the environment
  11. Interdependence among living systems
  12. Genetic and inheritance patterns
  13. Interactions among solar, weather and ocean systems
  14. Earth’s cycles (lunar, water, rock, carbon and nitrogen)
  15. Effects of human activities on soil, water and air quality
  16. Characteristics of the universe including origin
  17. Components of the solar system



            You will be graded upon daily work, quizzes, tests, projects, presentations, journal entries, and written reports.


Student Work

            For unexcused absences/suspensions, assignments will not receive more than an 80. Excused absences with proper documentation will grant the student two days for every school day missed to make up the work. (The specific number of days to make up work will be left up to the teacher’s discretion in case of unforeseen circumstances and/or family emergencies.)



            In order to receive credit in a class, students must attend a class at least 90% of the days the class is offered.  As it is school policy, 4 tardies equal 1 unexcused absence.  Being tardy to class will prevent the student from certain classroom privileges. “Repeated instances of tardiness will result in more severe disciplinary action” (Student Code of Conduct p. 26).





      Dress Code:

            Students will be required to wear a school uniform.  All clothing must adhere to the standards set in the Student’s Handbook/Code of Conduct.  If the dress code is violated, students will suffer appropriate consequences according to the student code of conduct.  Repeated offenses could be subject to other disciplinary actions.



            Students will be given notice well in advance about any special projects or presentations.  Such assignments are due upon the date specified by the individual teacher.  Failure to meet deadlines will penalize the student 10 points per day up to 3 instructional days.  After the third day, students shall receive a zero.


      Materials needed:

  • 1 composition book for science journal(ASAP)
  • black/blue ink pens, pencils
  • glue sticks
  • 1 of the following: colored pencils, markers, crayons
  • optional:  box of tissue
  • optional:  hand sanitizer


  1. Absolutely no foul language will be permitted in class/hallways.
  2. Parental communication will be an ongoing process to ensure student success. 
  3. Student success and grades are dependent on the individual student’s desire to achieve.
  1. Students must be in class before the second bell rings.
  2. Loitering in the hallways is not allowed.
  3. Electronic devices are not permitted in class.
  4. Eating in class is not permitted.



Any MAJOR assignment(s) missed must be discussed with me so that we can make arrangements to complete the assignment(s).

For any DAILY assignment(s) missed the following rules apply:


  1.    It is your responsibility to get your work.  Feel free to ask questions if you’re unsure about the assignment(s) or what to do.  You can also e-mail me your questions about an assignment at before 6 p.m.  I will check my e-mail every day at that time and respond as soon as possible.
  2.    You have as many days as you are absent to make up your work.  For example- if you are absent 1 day, you have 1 day to make up the work.
  3.    Failure to meet assignment deadlines will penalize the student 10 points per day for a maximum of 50.
  4.    For unexcused absences/suspensions, assignments will not receive more than an 80.
  5.    There will be NO late work accepted if you have had class time to work on it.



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